
Poem taken from My Lovely Sam Soon:
춤추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은 것처럼.
Dance like no one is watching
사랑하라, 한번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼.
Love like you've never been hurt
노래하라, 아무도 듣고 있지 않은것처럼.
Sing like no one is listening
일하라, 돈이빌요하지 않은 것처럼.
Work like you don't need the money
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼.
Live life every day as if it were your last
This is the poem Sam Soon saw at the bus stop after her bf, Sam Sik didn't come back for a few mths (he promised her he'll be back after one week).
This is one of the 1st dramas i've seen when the male actors are waaayy better loOking than the female actresses.
of course Hyun Bin is the act cool but childish type.
then Daniel Henney is just very cute (in personality) in the show. heh heh.
Of course the main crux of the poem is the last line: telling us to cherish every moment in our lives.
Often, we all take things for granted (we hardly are able to do the above)..
partly cos we're unable to realize the bigger picture when we're trapped in our everyday problems tt seem so mind-boggling to us but in actual fact, they are nothing compared to bigger issues in world/ life.
Every wondered why when pple suffered an illness/ witnessed death in their family that their world didn't seem to fall apart?
But when we have exams/ pressing deadlines & work projects, we feel like we're dying soOn.
The big issues make the deadlines seem like nothing 'it's okie it's just a job/ it's just an exam' compared to ' i just lost my family/ i just had *touchwood* heart problem'.
When we have nothing to worry, we worry about just everything else we have around us.
Humans can never stop worrying/ stressing. so it's OKAY if u're stressed out. You are after all, human.Hope this helps in some way!
quite embarrassed today. which explains my cute monkey.
my fren was accompanying me to the deck for me to grab some hot milO (then i always use the plastic bag handle cos it's really super hot!)
the uncle said dey put it behind the rack now (got a grey hollow tube wif alot of plastic bag handles)..i didn't noe wad he was saying tt tym soO i toOk out one of the bags and tried to put my milo in it (i'm retarded @ this)
after that he kept on calling me from his stall -_-''' while i was slotting the cup into the hole.
jia haO dashed out of nowhere, called me sua ku & helped me put, after that the uncle came out and threw away jiahao's one & went to teach me how 2 use their 'new system'
omg. HAHAs.
ahHH.. lucky the deck dun hav so many pple.
it's damn funny but damn embarrassing.
today's psy lecture was super boring bahhh.
Everything was boring today but as usual, i dozed off during nm lecture lOlx.
this morning, on my way to skoO..
i was so shocked (and very happy) to see Alvin, my colleague when we're teaching in Sengkang Pri.
hehehe...too bad we're not going to the same school today or else i'll have an extra jie-mei!
i miss him. sObx. and all those pple i met there~